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一、什么是DDM? 光模块SFP参数中DDM缩写是:Digital Diagnostics Monitoring(数字诊断监测)。 带 DDM的SFP模块,即采用数字诊断功能的SFP光模块,是各厂商技术升级换代的标志性产品。利用智


光模块SFP参数中DDM缩写是:Digital Diagnostics Monitoring(数字诊断监测)。

带 DDM的SFP模块,即采用数字诊断功能的SFP光模块,是各厂商技术升级换代的标志性产品。利用智能化的光模块,网络管理单元可以实时监测收发模块的供 电电压,激光偏置电流,温度以及发射和接收光功率。这些参量的测量,可以帮助管理单元找出光纤链路中发生故障的位置,简化维护工作,提高系统的可靠性。


股利贴现模型(Dividend Discount Model),简称DDM,是其中一种最基本的股票内在价值评价模型。威廉姆斯(Williams)和戈登(Gordon)1938年提出了公司(股票)价值评估的股利贴现模型(DDM),为定量分析虚拟资本、资产和公司价值奠定了理论基础,也为证券投资的基本分析提供了强有力的理论根据。


股利贴现模型(Dividend Discount Model),简称DDM,是其中一种最基本的股票内在价值评价模型。威廉姆斯(Williams)和戈登(Gordon)1938年提出了公司(股票)价值评估的股利贴现模型(DDM),为定量分析虚拟资本、资产和公司价值奠定了理论基础,也为证券投资的基本分析提供了强有力的理论根据。






这些参数包括光输出功率,光输入功率,温度,激光偏置电流和收发器电源电压等。DDM 接口是GBIC规范中定义的串行ID接口以及SFP MSA 的扩展。




光模块DDM是基于SFF-8472协议定义的标准参数值而工作,在SFF-8472协议中规范了光模块和网络设备(如交换机等)的软硬件所需遵循的标准参数值或范围,确保了不同网络设备供应商和光模块供应商之间所提供产品的互操作性,简单来说,一套通用的OAM参数可以被整个通信行业共享。值得注意的是,现如今部分产品的精确程度已经超出了协议的要求。 下表为SFF-8472协议针对光模块制定的参数标准。



股利贴现模型是研究 股票内在价值的重要模型,其基本公式为: 其中V为每股股票的内在价值,Dt是第t年每股 股票股利的期望值,k是股票的 期望收益率。公式表明,股票的 内在价值是其逐年期望 股利的现值之和。

根据 股利发放的不同,DDM具体可以分为以下几种:

1, 零增长模型(即 股利增长率为0,未来各期股利按固定数额发放)


其中V为公司价值,D0为当期 股利,K为投资者要求的 投资回报率,或 资本成本。

2,不变增长模型(即 股利按照固定的 增长率g增长)


注意此处的D1为下一期的 股利,而非当期股利


二段增长模型假设在时间l内红利按照g1 增长率增长,l外按照g2增长。

三段增长模型也是类似,不过多假设一个时间点l2,增加一个 增长率g3


DDM在洗衣机上的意思就是洗涤驱动电机,是变频的直驱电机。DD电机的全称为Direct Drive,意思就是直接驱动的电机 取消了皮带,当然其可靠性,噪音都要改进很多了。但是调速,实际上是采用了变频技术,这样同时可以节约能源,绿色环保了。

八、Understanding Dynamic Discounting Management (DDM) in Finance

In today's fast-paced and competitive business world, companies are constantly looking for ways to optimize their financial operations. One such solution gaining popularity is Dynamic Discounting Management (DDM). This article will provide a comprehensive guide to understanding DDM in finance, its benefits, and how it works.

What is Dynamic Discounting Management?

Dynamic Discounting Management is a financial strategy that allows businesses to take advantage of early payment discounts offered by their suppliers. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement between the buyer and the seller, where the buyer pays the supplier earlier than the agreed payment terms in exchange for a discounted price.

How Does DDM Work?

The process of Dynamic Discounting Management involves three key players: the buyer, the supplier, and the financing provider. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how DDM works:

  1. The buyer and the supplier agree on the payment terms for goods or services.
  2. The supplier offers a discount to the buyer for early payment.
  3. The buyer decides to take advantage of the discount and pays the supplier earlier than the agreed payment terms.
  4. The financing provider steps in and provides the immediate cash flow to the supplier, deducting a small fee for the service.
  5. The buyer enjoys the discounted price, and the supplier receives early payment, improving their cash flow.

Benefits of Dynamic Discounting Management

Implementing Dynamic Discounting Management in finance brings several advantages for both buyers and suppliers:

  • Improved liquidity: DDM provides suppliers with faster access to cash, improving their working capital and reducing the need for external financing.
  • Cost savings: Buyers can benefit from discounts offered by suppliers, leading to significant cost savings over time.
  • Strengthened supplier relationships: By offering early payment options, buyers can strengthen their relationships with key suppliers and negotiate better terms in the future.
  • Reduced supply chain risks: DDM helps to mitigate supply chain risks by ensuring timely payments and avoiding disruptions caused by cash flow issues.

Implementing DDM in Your Organization

To implement Dynamic Discounting Management effectively, companies should consider the following steps:

  1. Identify key suppliers who are willing to participate in DDM.
  2. Establish clear guidelines and processes for early payment and discount calculation.
  3. Choose a reliable financing provider to facilitate the transaction.
  4. Monitor the impact of DDM on cash flow, cost savings, and supplier relationships.
  5. Continuously review and optimize the DDM strategy based on performance and feedback.

In conclusion, Dynamic Discounting Management is a powerful financial tool that allows companies to optimize their cash flow, reduce costs, and strengthen supplier relationships. By understanding and implementing DDM in your organization, you can unlock its benefits and stay ahead in the competitive business landscape.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope the information provided helps you gain a better understanding of Dynamic Discounting Management in finance and its potential impact on your business.







